Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Web Design Sem 2 - Template Test 13/4/10

1. What is a Dreamweaver Template?
A special file, created in Dreamweaver, that allows some content to be added or edited while locking other static content.

2. What are the advantages of using templates?
They allow consistantly styled html pages to be created quickly. They protect the neccessary page content from being edited by future page designers. With their nesting ability, child templates are able to be changed by editing the partent template.

3. What is an 'Editable Region'? How to set it up?
It is a special div in the template that allows for content to be added while satatic content is locked. Dreamweaver setup - Insert > Template Objects > Editable Region.

4. What is a 'Repeating Region'? How to set it up?
It is a special div or table that allows for content to be added as well as extra regions (eg table rows) while static content is locked. Dreamweaver setup - Insert > Template Objects > Repeating Region.

5. What is an 'Optional Region'? How to set it up?
Similar to an Editable Region in that it is a special div that allows for content to be added while static content is locked but differing from and Editable Region in that the region itself can be used or unused. Dreamweaver setup - Insert > Template Objects > Optional Region.